
Manual or Electric Toothbrushes

Toothbrushing is the most effective way to remove food debris and plaque from the teeth, which helps prevent cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, candidiasis and bad breath. There are manual and electric toothbrushes. Within each type, there are a few options available. So, what kind of toothbrush is best? Let’s look at manual toothbrushes first. There are two major types of manual…

Management of Stressors in Dentistry

Last week, I blogged about dentists' stress in their clinical lives. Stress can never be eliminated from a dental practice. However, it must be minimized as much as possible to avoid the many stress-related physical and emotional problems that it causes. The key to successfully managing stress is recognizing and understanding its causes. Once the causes have been identified and…

Maximize your dental insurance benefits

Many patients procrastinate their dental treatments, so it may sound awful to you when a dental staff advises you about maximizing your dental insurance coverage. You probably think that the dentist is trying to maximize his benefits from your insurance. However, when it comes to dental health insurance, utilizing your dental insurance wisely can save you money and maximize your…

Dental bridges and implants

Both dental bridges and dental implants are suitable to replace missing teeth in the mouth. The replacement tooth using the surrounding teeth for support and anchorage can be fixed like a bridge in a dental bridge. The bridge is cemented firmly to the supporting anchorage teeth, and so it stays on the teeth as if it is part of the…

Do we have too many dentists?

Just a moment ago, I was Googling for dental offices near my office in Burlington; the search returned 19 offices. Then I searched for Tim Hortons, and 20 locations were found. Interestingly, when I had my first dental clinic soon after I graduated from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry in 1990, my office was the only one on…

Does it matter missing a single tooth?

In modern society, missing a tooth at the front can be devastating because it is visible. A conspicuous black hole at the front makes you unattractive and diminishes your socioeconomic status unless you are a well-known NHL player. Most people would not think twice before having missing front teeth restored. What if the missing tooth is in the back of…