
I came across the term Holistic Dentistry one day while reading an article. Curious, I decided to search up what the term really meant and finally got to the definition on Wikipedia: “Holistic dentistry, (also called biological dentistrybiologic dentistryalternative dentistryunconventional dentistry, or biocompatible dentistry) is the equivalent of complementary and alternative medicine for dentistry. Although the holistic dental community is diverse in its practices and approaches, common threads include strong opposition to the use of amalgam in materials in dental fillings, nonsurgical approaches to gum disease, and the belief that root canals may endanger systemic health of the patient through the spread of trapped dental bacteria to the body. Many dentists who use these terms also regard water fluoridationunfavorably.”

I read and reread the definition and honestly, the terminology is kind of fuzzy at best. To me, holistic dentistry is the practice that all dentists should adhere to at all times when treatment is provided. i have been filling cavities with white filings only for over 25 years. When I remove harmful silver amalgam fillings, I routinely use rubber dams (a drape around the operation area) to catch all unwanted mercury under a high volume evacuation system. When a root canal is performed, I want to make sure that there is evidence that there is new bone filling in the abscess space where bacteria were that would be a good indicator that no bacteria will be able to endanger systemic health.

Since our mouths are the gateway to our health and they are the integral part of our body. There are many factors to consider when we are treating the well being of the mouth of a person. And it is my goal to be the whole-istic dentist for you and your family

24 Aug, 2020

Sensitive Teeth from Acid Erosion

Worn Down and Sensitive Teeth from Acid Erosion There are many reasons that teeth are sensitive to stimuli like touching, sweet, sour, hot and cold. They can be due to… Read More
16 Jun, 2023

The Use Of Rubber Dams

A Rubber Dam, or a dental dam, is a thin square sheet of non-latex rubber used to isolate the operative site from the rest of the mouth. The teeth to be… Read More