
Wellness-based dentistry is rather a philosophy, than a discipline or specialty. It encompasses the practice of family, cosmetic, children, implant, gum-disease and any other fields of dentistry. The proficiency in delivering wellness dentistry bases on how much the practicing dentists 1) know about the body and the diseases that can be expressed in the head and neck areas, and vice versa – how much the diseases in the head and mouth that can affect the rest of the body; 2) can recognize the signs and symptoms of the diseases in the head and neck, discuss the findings with the patients and come up with a treatment plan or refer to the appropriate specialists for consultation; and 3) be able to provide preventative treatments and advice to patients.

Is wellness dentistry the same as holistic dentistry?

No. Patients often confuse wellness dentistry with holistic dentistry.

Holistic dentistry emphasizes on using bio-compatible, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic dental materials and utilizes more natural, herbal ingredients in their practices. Practioners of holistic dentistry also advocate using herbal, natural materials for home care. Flouride, amalgam silver fillings, metals in the dental prostheses, root canal therapies etc. are not kosher.

Wellness dentistry is more evidence-based in its approach to considering treatment options to the patients – what is the best for the patient overall that has scientific evidence to back up the validity, effectiveness and safety of the treatment.

The standard definition of evidence-based practice is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient”

As a wellness-based dentistry practitioner, I want to mention that financial burden for dental treatments should also be considered in our treatment approach. Affordability of the proposed treatment should also be presented and discussed with the patients to avoid financial stress to the patients. The “best treatments” recommended may not be the same as the overall “best care” for the patients.

Is wellness-based dentistry suitable for children?

Yes. Wellness dentistry applies for children in their treatments. Preventative dentistry like oral hygiene instructions with the kids and parents to avoid gum diseases and cavities, diet counselling (based on the current Canada food guide) to find out the current diet deficiencies and remedies so that the children will grow properly with both healthy bone and teeth, periodical examination, cleaning and scaling to avoid gum diseases, and occlusal sealants for molars to protect the teeth from trapping bacteria and debris in their deep pits and fissures.

Dentistry should not be just drill, fill and bill. The practitioners of wellness dentistry should be knowledgeable, caring, empathetic and patients’ wellness centred.

Dr. Kenneth Wong is a wellness-based dentist in Burlington. He believes that dentistry should not be just drill, fill and bill. He has extensive experience in family, cosmetic, children, implant, gum-disease, and emergency dentistry. He is also certified to provide clear aligner orthodontic treatment to his patients who like to improve their smile.

Office Is Open

Call Dr. Wong at his dental clinic at (289)-861-5111, Affinity Dental Care, if you want to speak to Dr. Wong about your oral health issues that can be related to your overall health. Smile is the key to better total body health. Check out our Burlington Affinity Dental Care location.


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