
Here are more FAQs we get about our Dental Clinic

1) What are X-rays?
X-rays are a form of energy like the light and radio waves. It has enough energy to pass through the soft tissues and bone of your body. There is an X-ray sensor behind the structures of your body that the dentist wants to see. Because the X-rays penetrate different tissues of your body differently, so X-rays can produce the image of the tissues that it passed through.

2) What is meant by radiation “dose” of X rays?
Radiation dose is a measure of how much energy is absorbed when something or someone is exposed to X-rays – measured in Millisievert (mSv). But in dental radiology the dose levels are usually a small fraction of mSv, so we use the unit called Microsievert (μSv) (1mSv = 1000 μSv).

3) How safe are dental X-rays?
A chest X-ray takes 0.1 mSv of radiation (100 μSv). An intraoral dental x-ray takes about 4 μSv (0.004 mSv).
A dental panoramic takes about 15 μSv. Which is about a day of natural background radiation.
Despite the very low radiation dosage, at Affinity Dental Care, Dr. Wong makes the decision to have a dental x-ray weighs the likelihood of benefit against the potential risk from radiation.

4) What exactly is a cavity?
A dental cavity is simply a hole in a tooth that develops as a result of the structure of the tooth at the hole is decaying. It starts with a small rough surface or a pit and progresses to a large hole with the enamel and dentine (the structure underneath the enamel top layer).
The cavity will not heal on its own, it will always gradually get bigger until it reaches the pulp of the tooth (pulp is where nerve, blood vessels and supporting tissues residing).

5) How do I prevent tooth decay, gingivitis and other problems?
Live well, eat well and look after yourself well (the 3 wellnesses) are the 3 epitomes to have healthy teeth. Basically, if you treat your body well by eating the right food with good nutritional value, do the right amount of exercise and maintain a healthy life style, have a good oral hygiene habit both at home and with your dentist. The chance that you have nice looking healthy teeth for life is extremely high.
6) How long will my filling, crown, bridge or implant last?

A common misconception is that dental restorations last forever but unfortunately this is not always true. With time dental restorations may break down or become loose, allowing decay to enter the area around the restoration and become problematic. Although you can’t expect your fillings, bridges, and crowns to last forever, you can do your part to make them last as long as possible. Maintain great oral hygiene, keep up with a healthy life style and visit your dentist regularly to keep those restorations in great condition for as long as possible.

7) What is tooth sensitivity and why do I have it?
Patients with tooth sensitivity feel pain when they are consuming food or drink that are hot or cold, sweet or acidic. In some cases, patients are having pain even when they clench their teeth together, drawing in cold air in the winter time or touching the teeth with their finger nail or during brushing. This usually comes from thinned tooth enamel or exposed root which doesn’t protect the tooth pulp or dentin from exposure extreme temperatures or contact. In some patients, this may be a result of:

  • Receded gums
  • Toothbrush abrasion
  • Tooth grinding during sleep
  • Fractured or cracked tooth
  • Tooth decay or cavity
  • Traumatized tooth
  • Cracked filling
  • New filling that is very close to the nerve in the pulp

Your dentist will examine the affected teeth and recommend treatment to reduce your sensitivity.

8) My tooth had root canal done but why is it still hurting me? Is it supposed to have no nerve in it?
In almost most cases, there is no nerve inside a tooth that had root canal done. However, in some cases, there are still some nerve fiber left inside the root. Other cases, the infection and inflammation are still active in the supporting bone and tissues, which are still richly innervated because they are outside the roots. Those nerve outside the roots are the one giving out the pain signal in the event of persistent infection and inflammation.

Call Dr. Wong at Affinity Dental Care in Burlington. If you are in the Burlington area and want to learn more about dental implants or any other dental service, call (289)-861-5111 to book a consultation appointment.


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