
Affinity Dental Care Thanks YOU

We, Dr. Kenneth Wong, Josie, Jovina and Natalia, as a Burlington wellness-based family dental practice, would like to express our huge gratitude to our patients who have trusted us for their dental care in the past year.
We have grown in the number of patients who choose us as their family dentist, and a big part owes to those who have referred their friends and family to us; thanks for sharing the love and Affinity Dental Care’s commitment to providing dental services to our community.
We are also fortunate enough to have strong support from some advanced equipment providers like Biolase for dental lasers, ClearCorrect for their orthodontic aligners, and Biohorizon for their dental implant and surgical equipment.
It may sound too cliché but we truly appreciate every one of you and your continuous support from the bottom of our hearts.

Call Dr. Wong at his dental clinic at (289)-861-5111, Affinity Dental Care, if you want to speak to Dr. Wong about your oral health issues that can be related to your overall health. Smile is the key to better total body health. Check out our Burlington Affinity Dental Care location.


    23 Jul, 2020

    Toothbrushes Matter

    Toothbrushes: Which One is Best For You My last blog talks about how often one should brush his or her teeth. This time I would like totalk about what kind… Read More